Saturday, July 30, 2011

Recent Exhibit

Well, despite several misunderstandings regarding exhibit times (the exhibit times were on July 27-29, not 30 or 31), the exhibit went well. Our space in the Atrium at the Hyatt was good, interest during conference break times was good and also sales. Below is a link to some pictures you might enjoy!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Exhibit Hours at the Hyatt

Yesterday at 10:30am, as I was sending an email about the conference, I realized that set up was WED not we mobilized as quickly as we could and got down to the Hyatt...and did manage to get set up, but several hours after we were supposed to--had lots of lookers, but not many sales. It was a hectic day!! 

Anyway, I wanted to let you know that we will be taking down FRIDAY AFTER 5PM SAT July 30 after 5pm, and will not be there SATURDAY OR Sunday. As near as I can see, hours are 7:30-5 July 28, 8:30-6 Friday, 8:30-5 Sat, but I will have my cell with me if you want to call to check if I am "open"...414-217-4707.

We are right around the corner from the elevators  :) at the end of the row along the atrium railing (LOWER LEFT IN THE PICTURE)...a nice spot.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A long time since posting...sorry!

I realize that I have not posted since last year--sorry! We did some traveling and have had our share of company, but now the exhibit season is beginning for us-- Magnify the Lord Artwork will be displaying at the Franciscan Federation Conference at the Hyatt in downtown Milwaukee from July 28-31. Come to the Atrium!!